Deciding who you want to live with for the next year of your term-time life is a big decision, so we can't stress enough that you choose wisely. Living with housemates who you don’t see eye to eye with or who leave a trail of destruction behind them throughout the house can prove to be a nightmare. You might be able to stay friendly with people in a couple of seminars, but living with someone permanently is a whole different prospect. Here are some useful pointers to direct you towards a making the right housemate choice.
Don’t choose too soon
As tempting as it can be to jump right in and start your house hunt as soon as possible, try not to move too quickly. Getting along with someone on the sports field, or on a social evening doesn't necessarily mean they're an ideal living partner. In order to be sure, try and spend quality time together and see if you bond. The better you get to know a person, the more likely you are to know if your personalities are suited to living together over a long period of time.
Where to find a flatmate
It might be the easiest option, however sticking with people you were bunged together with in halls of residence isn’t always the best way of selecting housemates. You may find that you don't really have a whole lot in common with any of them, which could leave you feeling alienated in a house together. Whatever your living preference, you may need to venture out of your halls to find more well matched roommates. Taking up a
hobby and joining a
society is a great way to widen your circle of friends and get acquainted with new people. Course mates are also great to move in with, as you have matching timetables and interests, not to mention you can collaborate on work when the course begins to get tough.
How many housemates?
Piling all your best mates into one house may seem a great idea and you might envision it being non-stop fun, but it might not always work out like that. Whilst there's nothing wrong with living in a large group, it doesn't mean everything will work without problems. Although many large houses take into account the large body of inhabitants, it can be the case that more housemates equates to more washing up, less fridge and freezer space and more chance of disputes. Living in a big group can have both advantages and disadvantages, so just make sure you factor that in when coming to a decision.
All students value privacy, and even in a shared house there needs to be clear boundaries between friends. In many households, arguments stem from the sharing or using of other peoples things. It may be a good idea to look for accommodation which provides locks on bedroom doors to avoid these kind of issues arising, as everyone will want a private and personal space of their own. In most cases, it's simply common sense as to where boundaries are established, but privacy and belongings are a root cause of many arguments when it comes to student living.