As I’m sure you’ve worked out by now, Leeds is a
fantastic city to live and study in but you’re still finding your way around and there are lots of people trying to tell you where to go. Never fear.
Here’s the ultimate boiled down Freshers Guide to Leeds. Not lots of guff, choices and alternatives. Just 1 definitive place in each category to simplify your life.
The Pub
The Faversham- 1-5 Springfield Mount,LS2 9NG
The Fav is a Leeds student institution in the heart of university land - you need to go there at least once and know where it is. Go for beer, cocktails, music and burgers.
The Club
Control - Cardigan Fields, just off Kirkstall Road. LS4 2DG
Leeds has some of the best clubs in the country so if clubbing is your thing you’ve come to the right place. At some point someone will suggest going to Control for the full Ibiza experience. It’s big. It’s brash. It has 2 arenas over 25,000 square feet, 7 bars and a capacity for 3000 people - Nuff said.
The Cheap Restaurant
La Cafetiere – Hyde Park Corner, LS6 2NW
In the heart of studentsville this is a great place for everything from hungover breakfasts to veggie meals and romantic Mediterranean dinners. Voted best Middle Eastern food in Leeds. You can’t miss it – it’s purple.
The Cinema
Hyde Park Picture House - 73 Brudenell Road, LS6 1JD
Forget the multiplex, there is only one cool place to see a film in Leeds. Hyde Park Picture house - an old fashioned “flea pit” with velvet seats and discounted prices on current films.
The Fun Bar in Town
The Bierkeller - 1 South Parade, LS1 5QL
Underground German beer house in the city centre where you can dance on long benches (should you wish) while chugging cheap steins and singing karaoke.
The Cheap Night Out
MFA Bowl – The Merrion Centre LS2 8BT,
Tenpin bowling Monday to Thursday is £1 a game – that is really cheap and a good alternative night out!
The Top Clothes Tip
Watch out for the student shopping lock in. It is usually around October time –keep an ear out for details. Sign up for free online and then go along to the
Leeds Trinity Shopping Centre from 9-midnight on the designated night and shop in High Street Stores like Top Shop - all for student prices.
The Tip Your Mum Would Approve of…
Kirkgate Market - 28-34 George St, LS2 7HY
Eat Your Veg! You can get loads of cheap vegetables from Kirkgate Market, especially last thing on a Saturday afternoon. Just remember a sturdy bag to bring it all back in.
The Tip Every Student Agrees With…
Don’t lose your ID – if you don’t want your life to turn into a nightmare.
Get all the information you need for Leeds Freshers Week from the Official Website Parties, tours, money off stuff and that all important society joining bit.